Plastic Surgeon salary


Plastic Surgeon salary

The plastic surgeon salary in the U.S. is about $ 323.434 based on years of professional experience, while an hourly wage ranging from $ 114 to $ 394 According to the survey salary of doctors allies obtained a model input plastic surgeon with an annual salary of approximately $ 237,000, while the peak of his professional plastic surgeon earns about $ 820,000 a year. According to, the average salary of a plastic reconstructive surgeon about 321 017 EUR per year. In addition, an annual prize of $ 3,000 and $ 36,000, even with a plastic surgeon. Salary plastic surgeon is highly variable, but certainly one of the highest.

Plastic Surgeon Job Description

Plastic surgeons and plastic surgeons perform reconstructive cosmetic surgery for the patient to improve the appearance of each. A plastic surgeon examines, diagnoses, and performs operations to achieve styling are abnormal in patients with facial features and structures in any part of the body normally. The most common procedures performed by plastic surgeons have nose surgery, contracture surgery for burn victims, mastectomy, tummy tuck surgery, chemical peels, breast enlargement and so on.

How much does a plastic surgeon do?

Average plastic surgeon salary

The average salary of a plastic surgeon between $ 66,977 to $ 508,306 per year. 
Salary plastic surgeons in the United StatesOn the basis of percentiles, the average annual salary for the 90th percentile of plastic surgeons about $ 472,592 also got 75 percentile plastic surgeon received $ 401.509 25th percentile of their $ 283,016, while the 10th percentile was $ 246,218 for year. Some of the best states for payment of Plastic Surgeons of New York, $ 341,000, $ 299,000 Houston, Miami $ 300,000 $ 326,000 $ 317,000 Los Angeles and Seattle.

Salary plastic surgeons in CanadaA plastic surgeon in Canada receives an annual salary between $ 36,487 C - C $ 344.024. In fact, a premium of approximately 49 CAN $ 833 is credited to your account. In addition, a plastic surgeon in Canada total earnings between C $ 39.445 - $ 358.327 C per year.

Salary plastic surgeons in the UKThe average salary expected for a plastic surgeon in the UK around £ 48,429 per year, while the average salary of a plastic surgeon is around £ 40,000 per year. The average hourly wage of a plastic surgeon is about £ 24.21. The salary of a plastic surgeon depends on your age up to 20 years from 36 322 pounds, 30, earns about 47 461, 40 and 50 years to win £ 56.178 € per year to win.

Salary plastic surgeons in AustraliaOn average, a plastic surgeon in Australia receives an annual salary of between AU $ 35.508 - $ 304.639 AU. In addition, a bonus of up to AU $ 1021 is - $ 20.134 AU is credited to your account. In fact, a plastic surgeon in Australia gets its total profits of 42 AU $ 282 - AU $ 305.584 per year.Plastic Surgeon Education, Training and CertificationPlastic surgeons must complete approved grass (less than high school) and has four years of medical school of medicine by a doctor of medicine first-class training base. Then, the applicant must be followed by a fellowship specializing a stage 5 or 6 years of residency training in plastic surgery. The candidate needs to be done to pass the exams certified by the Board by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Conclusion on plastic surgeon salaryAccording to, the average total income of a plastic surgeon depends mainly on the number of years of medical experience and training as entrepreneurs.

Plastic Surgeon Job Description & Salary

Plastic surgery can be a lucrative specialties in medicine. Additional training is required to become a plastic surgeon, but wages are plastic surgeons students. Plastic surgeons are often primarily concerned with the plastic or reconstructive surgery, although some surgeons do both.

Plastic surgeons or plastic reconstructive surgeons perform cosmetic surgeries on the patient’s to enhance one’s esthetic appearance. A plastic surgeon analyses, diagnoses and performs surgeries to achieve normal esthetic looks in patients presenting with abnormal facial appearance as well as structures in any part of the body. The common surgical procedures conducted by a plastic surgeon include rhinoplasty, contracture surgery for burn victims, mastectomy, abdominoplasty, chemical peel, augmentation mammoplasty and so on.

Job Description

  • Plastic surgeons are doctors who deal with replacing, repairing or reconstructing various parts of the body. These are often facial features but can also be other parts of the body, such as the torso or the hand.

Education & Training

  • Plastic surgeons must complete medical school training and then embark on a plastic surgery residency period. Residencies for plastic surgeons tend to be longer than those for less specialized medical doctors, lasting five to seven years instead of three to seven, with an additional year of residency for any subspecialties.



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